We are located at Cross Lake, Maine. Our phone number is 207-834-7309 and our e-mail is Steve@MainelyMagnetos.com. Our business hours are 8 to 5 Monday to Friday. If for some reason no one is available at that particular moment to answer the phone please leave your name, phone number, and a short message. We will return your call as soon as possible.
If you are shipping something to us please include a note with the application and your contact information so we know where it came from and what it is for. Please package it real good with lots of packing material so it doesn't get broken on it's way here. We have daily UPS, USPS and Fed Ex delivery.
Our server has a spam blocker installed that blocks e-mails from "Blacklisted" ISP's. If you couldn't send us e-mail it could be that your ISP is listed there. If that is the case, please call us instead, 207-834-7309 and contact your local internet provider and let them know about it. It's too bad that there always seems to be some out there that take a good thing and ruin it for the rest of us!!!
Thank You,
Steve & Debbie Belanger